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COMMODEX® commodity trading signals are available after the close of the market and distributed by fax, e-mail or First Class Mail. For Electronic delivery, a mid-day update is also available. The morning update is processed between 10:30 and 11:30am Eastern Time. The final bulletin is calculated after the close between 4:30 and 5:00pm.
PLEASE NOTE: COMMODEX® subscriptions are non-cancellable and non-refundable. However, service can be suspended at any time without penalty.
All credit and debit card charges will be to “COMMODEX and COMMODITY” on your statement.

First Class Mail is processed after the close and zip sorted for the fastest delivery available via the U.S. post office regular service. You can call for signal changes by dialing our Confidential Hot-Line. The Hot-Line is a call to a New Jersey number; only new signals are given on the Hot-Line to keep messages brief.

Email Servcies

Fax Servcies

First Class Mail With Confidential Hot-line

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Please enter a vaild daytime phone number.
Only press the Submit button once and do not hit the refresh button once you hit the submit button. Doing so may cause double billing. If so, you will be credited promptly.