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Contract Specifications of

Contract Specifications Contract Specifications Contract Specifications Contract Specifications Contract Specifications Contract Specifications Contract Specifications Contract Specifications
¹ This is the FT-SE 100 Index Option
² These options are traded on MONEP

a) Automatic Exercise if 100 points in the money

b) Automatic Exercise

c) Closing call begins at 18:45 Options traded until 18:48 with an 18:50 closing call

d) Under $400/oz, strike increments are every $10/oz e) In even number increments

f) MACE wheat option is 5,000 bushels

g) MACE contract, traded on CBOT

h) CBOT & KCBT grain options are quoted as 1 contract, not as five thousand bushels.

i) Sunday through to Thursday only. Trading day begins at 00:00 of that day.

j) Option closing call begins at 19:10

k) Limit applies between 13:20-13:35. No limit after 13:35

l) Serial months are available.

m) Intraday limits are applicable

F January G February

J April K May

N July Q August

V October X November

n) 2c below $1.00, 5c above $1.00.

o) Trading on ACCESS available (contact an Order Specialist for exact terms).

p) Trading on GLOBEX available (contact an Order Specialist for exact terms).

q) Trading on PROJECT A available (contact an Order Specialist for exact terms).

r) No limit front month s) No limit first two months t) Cash settlement, no deliveries

u) Circuit breaker rule (contact an Order Specialist for exact terms).

v) Circuit breaker rule (contact an Order Specialist for exact terms). No limit 13:20 - 13:35

w) Option ceases trading when corresponding future is locked

H March

M June

U September

Z December

CBOT Chicago Board of Trade

CME Chicago Mercantile Exchange

COMEX Commodity Exchange of New York

CSCE Coffee Sugar and Cocoa Exchange

DTB Deutsche Termin Bourse

IPE International Petroleum Exchange

KCBT Kansas City Board of Trade

IMM International Monetary Market

LCP LIFFE Commodity Products

LIFFE London Internat. Financial Futures Exchange

LME London Metal Exchange

MACE MidAmerica Commodity Exchange

MATIF Marché à Terme International de France

MGE Minneapolis Grain Exchange

MONEP Marché des Options Négociables de Paris

NYCE New York Cotton Exchange

NYFE New York Futures Exchange

NYMEX New York Mercantile Exchange

SIMEX Singapore International Monetary Exchange

SFE Sydney Futures Exchange.

Margins, contract specifications and daily limits can be subject to change without notice by the respective commodity exchanges and also due to changes in market price volatility. Please contact an Order Specialist if you have any questions relating to current margins and limits.